Parafield Gardens High School


Department for Infrastructure and Transport



Delivery Method

Fixed Lump Sum

Parafield Gardens High School

New Gymnasium and Performing Arts Centre

We have just completed the Parafield Gardens High School Redevelopment.

The project consisted of two stages. The First Stage included a refurbishment to an existing building to create a new performing arts centre with the inclusion of drama areas. Construction of a new gymnasium which also houses a home economics teaching facility and staff & student amenities formed part of the Second Stage.

Partek managed to handover the First Stage 13 weeks early which allowed Parafield Gardens to utilise the new facilities.

While many additional items were added to the project, Partek successfully handed over the second stage in full and on time.

Partek should be highly commended for delivering a well-built facility with-in budget constraints.

John Dundon / Star of the Sea School